Monday Filler


Sambhaji Park Flower Exhibition

Monday Filler


Golden Sizzle.
Golden Sizzle.

Little Wonders - Month 1

My son turns 1 month tonight. Let me put down some things that I've noticed since he came into our lives.

Visibly, when he was born he looked much plumpier and round faced. Now he is a bit lanky, but his weight has increased considerably. His hair still seem to be unusually long and partially cover his ears. His eyes have opened up completely.

Coming to behavioural changes, when he was born, the only sense he had was touch (skin). Even if there was a loud noise around him, he didn't seem to respond or even notice it. Nor would he blink if something came in front of his eyes all of a sudden. Books say that even if the light\sound reaches the sensory organs and is transmitted to the brain by the organs, the brain is not capable of processing these signals as of now. But since week two he started shivering when a particular frequency hit him. For instance, a vessel dropped far away, the noise of that vessel was very feeble, but the frequency disturbed him.

Now at the end week four, he has faintly started to respond to sound. When I make some noise on his left, his eyes turn to left. Also his eyes now follow objects (held a foot away). Though this behaviour is quite rare, the sense of sight and sound seem to be begining to develop.He still doesn't blink at a stimulus. In the coming weeks, his reflexes should start taking over his actions ...

I haven't been reading a lot on the above behaviours so am not able to explain in detail the reason supportinig the observations :) ... But I've enjoyed every moment of it to the fullest!! ...

Looking forward for new surprises in the coming month...Happy Birthday Buddy!


Monday Filler


Originally uploaded by amitsgupte


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Monday Filler

For lack of long gaps between my posts, I've made up my mind to post 1 picture that I take on every monday. It will at least refresh the latest updated tag of my blog. Here goes the first one:

Sun bird.
Sun bird.
Originally uploaded by amitsgupte