Homemade flash bounce.

Warning: This post is audience specific. This might not make sense if you are unaware of Flash Bounce. So if you still want to go ahead and read on, here are some pre-reqs. that might help :)

Right, if we are still reading, to begin with, I own a Quantarary Manual Flash, which doesn't have a swivel(bounce) head. Putting the implications blunt and straight, I can NOT have bounce with the flash. For some weeks, I went on with no bounce, but it was giving me terrible results very often. I started feeling handicap on this aspect, and then tried looking for ways to hit this issue. (Ofcourse the best way is ruled out as I do not have ample finances for a new strobe :)

I struck gold with a few minutes of thinking... I am going to put the implementation in 3 diagrams. I guess these are self explanatory. (Forgive me for the illegible font)

Diagram 1: This is one of the reasons why I was badly in need of the bounce getting to work.

Diagram 2: This was the simplest, poorest and fastest way to have bounce on my flash.

Diagram 3: This is how the design works.

Things used:
1. Card board
2. White paper
3. Aluminium\silver foil
4. Sticking tapes to hold on the papers.

And the most important thing, IT WORKS!!
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